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Cyclist Spends 9 Hours Pedaling Around London Creating Strava Reindeer

Anthony Hoyte, a recreational cyclist from Cheltenham UK, decided to bring some festive cheer and draw a reindeer while cycling around London, UK

Anthony Hoyte has quite an interesting hobby of drawing images on fitness app Strava by pedaling around

Even though Anthony calls himself a recreational cyclist and club cyclist, says his Strava art creations take quite a while to plan but he tries to focus on quality rather than quantity.

He’s gotten into it by seeing others do it: “I’d seen others doing it, notably Stephen Lund in Canada, and thought, “I’m going to try that!” said Hoyte.

Last year, he surprised the cycling world with this adorable Santa that took 4 and a half hours to create

Hoyte, a designer by trade, uses his training when it comes to planning his artwork. He usually studies Google maps and looks for shapes in the existing roads ”it's a bit like spotting pictures in clouds,” he says. “If something jumps out at me, like perhaps a road that looks like a nose, then I’ll try and find eyes and so on. If nothing jumps out, I’ll try somewhere else, but I’ll keep coming back to places to see what I see.”

He tries to stick to the road pattern as much as possible but cuts through parks and car parks or university campuses if that’s required to get the perfect line.

Cyclist Spends 9 Hours Pedaling Around London Creating Strava Reindeer