2025 Oregon Gravel Series

Ride with the King Elvis

January 11 2026
Greenville GA
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Distances: 18, 35, 50 miles
Difficulty: Gently rolling terrain with one or two short hills

Believed to be the largest ELVIS'S BIRTHDAY RIDE in the world and now sponsored by the SouthSide Cycling Club.

Three courses: 50, 35 or 15 miles. Pavement surface is mixed: some rough county roads, some excellent state asphalt. Automobile traffic is light. There will be only a few dogs!

Ride with the King 15-Mile

Ride with the King 35-Mile

Ride with the King 50-Mile

Jelly donuts for all at the start. Please RSVP at the Facebook Event or by email to ensure you get one!

There will be a mobile SAG available for rider recovery.
Please bring your favorite energy snack and drink to keep you moving as there won't be a mid-point feed station.
Sideburns optional.
Classic steel bikes and e-Bikes are welcome.
Wear helmets, please!

There is a free ride, with a free-will donation for ride expenses and to benefit local youth bicycle teams.

Doug Mote, the original ride organizer with the East Alabama Cycling Club, writes in 2008:
Elvis’ Birthday Ride began in 1988, when Scot Angus, Ron Cole, Glenn Kersey, Doug Mote and Pat Murphy were looking for a reason to ride on the first weekend of the new year. We announced a ride for that Sunday afternoon. The ride needed a name. It has always troubled the rest of us, that Glenn knew that Elvis’ birthday was that weekend. The name stuck.
The first year had the smallest number of riders: the five named above. Three times we have had 90 riders: 2005, 2008 & 2014. Five out of the last six years we have had sunny and very warm weather. But, take note: THIS RIDE GOES NO MATTER THE WEATHER CONDITIONS! In 1996, only the ride leader showed…there was three inches of snow on the ground. In 2002, there was rain until ride time and the temperatures never went over 43 degrees. 

Ride with the King Elvis

Start Located At: Greenville, Georgia
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Registration Fees

There is a free ride, with a free-will donation for ride expenses and to benefit local youth bicycle teams.


There will be a mobile SAG available for rider recovery.
Please bring your favorite energy snack and drink to keep you moving as there won't be a mid-point feed station.
Sideburns optional.
Classic steel bikes and e-Bikes are welcome.
Wear helmets, please!

Registration On the Day
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Route Card
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Downloadable GPS files
Pre Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry