Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025

Fall Tour of Saint George

October 25 2025
St George Utah USA
Date Confirmed
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Distances: 35, 57, 75, 100 miles
Difficulty: Difficult terrain with longer, steeper hills
Limited to: 600iders Participants

Come and experience the beauty of Fall in the St. George area in the annual Tour de St. George Fall Century. This is a great way to finish off the season with 35, 75, 55 and 100 mile ride options. October is a beautiful time to enjoy the desert where the weather is warm, the people are friendly, and the landscape is spectacular so join us.

This is an area of extremes, plan on climbing roughly 6,000 feet for the 100 mile option.  

Tour de St. George Fall Gran Fondo

Start Located At: Tabernacle between 100 w and 200 w St. George, UT
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Registration Fees

 Early Bird Pricing Until 10/16/25 at midnight (10 days out) ** also  Early Bird Pricing Until 10/16/25 at midnight (10 days out) ** also end of guarantee shirt size
30 miles @ $90
50+ miles @ $100
Metric Century 75+ miles @ $110
Century 100 miles @ $125

10/17/25 Until 10/25/25 at 7am
30 miles @ $100
50 Miles @ $110
Metric Century 75+ miles @ $120
Century 100 miles @ $135

of guarantee shirt size
30 miles @ $90
50+ miles @ $100
Metric Century 75+ miles @ $110
Century 100 miles @ $125

10/17/25 Until 10/25/25 at 7am
30 miles @ $100
50 Miles @ $110
Metric Century 75+ miles @ $120
Century 100 miles @ $135


Event will be chipped timed
Fully stocked rest stops, a great lunch, and more!
You will receive a unique Fall Tour de St. George event shirt with your registration
In addition to the fully stocked rest stops, we will be providing a lunch at the finish line.  .... and a Custom Fall Tour Medal!

Packet Pickups

Thurs 10/23 5-7pm Red Rock Bicycle SG 446 W 100 S

Fri 10/24 1-7pm Red Rock Bicycle SG 446 W 100 S

Sat 10/25  6:30-7:30am  Start/Finish 

Registration On the Day
Pre-Packet Pickups
Support for Participants
Route Signposted
Emergency Contact No
SAG Wagon
Escort / Police Escort
Roving Mechanical Support
Course Timing
Finishing Medals
Downloadable GPS files
Feed / Aid Stations
Post Event Meal(s) Provided As Part of Entry
Number of Aid Stations: 5
Oct 25 2025 - EVENT: Fall Tour of Saint George