2025 BWR North Carolina

Bike A Thon For Alzheimer’s Association

October 18 2025
Pelham AL
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Distances: 17.6 miles

BUMP will be tapping into our endurance skills for our first ever Bike A Thon! We wanted to take an opportunity to raise money for The Alzheimer’s Association while bringing exposure to our beloved trails and sport. The event will take place Oct 7th 2023, from 8am to 5pm at Oak Mountain State Park. Participants will complete a 17.6 mile loop around the Red Trail at Oak Mountain as many times as they can starting and ending at the Cedar Pavilion.

Each rider needs to find a sponsor. This sponsor can be a local business, family, friends, etc. Those sponsors register and donate via Rallyup, where they can payout per lap, or lump sum. For every $200 each participant raises they’ll be entered into a drawing for some cool prizes from Industry Nine. Participants will track their ride on a ride-tracking app of their choice and present them to event officials when they throw in the towel.  Results will be posted to Rallyup and the sponsor donations will be automatically drafted from their provided account.

All profits from the Bike A Thon will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association. BUMP will be making their famous grilled cheese sandwiches while our normal party crowd is stationed at the pavilion to support and cheer on participants.  Please sign up at the link below and begin finding sponsors to help us support this incredible cause.

Bike A Thon For Alzheimer’s Association

Start Located At: Oak State Mountain Park, Pelham AL
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