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Maratona dles Dolomites Results 2014

Covering seven spectacular mountain passes in the Dolomites. Open to amateur cyclists, the Maratona, with 9,000 riders from over 40 nations - is one of the biggest Italian Granfondo bicycle races. The weather was perfect - partly cloudy with medium-low clouds.

The full 138km course is legendary with 14,000 feet of climbing over the infamous passes of, Campolongo Pass: 5.8 km, Gradient: 6.1%, Pordoi Pass: 9.2 km, Gradient: 6.9%, Sella Pass: 5.5 km, Gradient: 7.9%, Gardena Pass: 5.8 km, Gradient: 4.3%, Campolongo Pass: 5.8 km, Gradient: 6.1%, Giau Pass: 9.9 km, Gradient: 9.3% an theFalzarego Pass/ Valparola Pass - making it one of the most difficult courses out there - a real test for all hillclimbers.

Long Distance Men 138km
1. Cecchini Stefano 4:44.15,8
2. Lombardi Tiziano 4:44.18,6
3. Cunico Roberto 4:44.33,0
4. Salimbeni Lugi 4:45.46,3
5. Podestá Matteo 4:46.29,0

Long Distance Women 138km

1. Astrid Schartmüller 5:24.56,8
2. Laetizia Roux 5:35.09,3
3. Bee Gloria 5:47.10,5

Eduard Tavella, the founder also rode the Maratona again this year.

Find the full results here: http://services.datasport.com/2014/velo/maradolo/

Maratona dles Dolomites Results 2014