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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Raymond James CEO Paul Allison Racing in Granfondo Scott Cycling Marathon to Benefit Humber River Hospital

Raymond James CEO Paul Allison Racing in Granfondo Scott Cycling Marathon to Benefit Humber River Hospital

In early September 2014, Team Revolution will travel to Piacenza, Italy, to participate in the Granfondo (long distance) Scott cycling marathon. Paul Allison, Chairman & CEO, Raymond James Ltd., joins a team of 72 Canadian cyclists who have been training for over a year. The team was formed to fundraise for Humber River Hospital (HRH). As Chair of the Humber River Hospital, Paul has been actively involved in various fundraising initiatives leading up to the hospital's opening in 2015.

The cycling marathon will test cyclists through a combination of winding roads, menacing mountain passes and tough climbs through a total of 15 Italian cities. Over 2000 cyclists are expected to participate in the 155km race.

"I'm committed to it. I'm training hard for the race. It's going to be a lot of fun and I'm really looking forward to helping the hospital," said Paul Allison.

As Chair of the Humber River Hospital, Paul has been actively involved with support and fundraising from the start and has raised over $40,000 towards this initiative. Reinventing patient care, optimizing health in our community symbolizes the commitment HRH is making to the 850,000 people in its catchment - one of the most economically challenged and most underserved areas of the GTA. Integrated digitalization throughout the hospital will allow care providers more time at the bedside, nurturing the personal interactions that form the basis of great hospital care. Additionally, the hospital will adhere to the guidelines and sustainability principles of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) rating system, with a goal of achieving LEED® Silver certification.

"Our purpose is to raise funds for the Humber River Hospital which will be North America's first fully digital hospital and will truly revolutionize the way in which healthcare is provided and received," added Paul. "We set an ambitious fundraising goal as our proceeds will help not only the hospital, but will also ultimately help the community of Humber River."

Follow along with Team Revolution as they share their experiences on Twitter with the #IAMTEAMREVOLUTION hashtag.

To learn more about Raymond James click here.

To learn more about the Granfondo Scott on Gran Fondo Guide, click here.

To learn more about Team Revolution and to donate click here.

For more information about the Humber River Hospital and to view interactive views of the progress visit:

Raymond Jame's Team Revolution