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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> El Tour De Tucson Opens 1st Feb

El Tour De Tucson Opens 1st Feb

Held annually the Saturday before Thanksgiving, El Tour is a fun adventure ride attracting over 9,000 cyclists of all ages and abilities from throughout the United States and worldwide, consisting of novice, intermediate, advanced, and professional riders.

Held annually the Saturday before Thanksgiving, El Tour is a fun adventure ride attracting over 9,000 cyclists of all ages and abilities from throughout the United States and worldwide. Riders will have their choice of riding 104, 75, 55, or 40-miles, as well as a ten, five, and 1/4 mile Fun Rides. Many of the roads on the tour route have bike shoulders and police are at every major intersection to control traffic.

Cyclists will ride through magnificent Sonoran Desert scenery surrounded by four mountain ranges with diverse ride options for cyclists of all age levels and abilities.  The temperature averages a high of 72 during the late morning of the race.  Participate and you’ll find great restaurants and world class resorts, the friendliest people in the country, authentic Mexican food and those famous Southwest sunsets.

A super lineup of unique features includes:  two-day Bike EXPO, exciting mass-start spectacle, mariachis at the first two (usually dry) river crossings, route stations with water and snacks spaced about 7-10 miles apart, bike Patrol and SAG support, traffic control at intersections, timing chips, plenty of morale-boosting volunteers and spectators, Olympic-style medallions to all finishers and an unforgettable finish line featuring a “Downtown Fiesta” with a beer garden, music, massages and more.

The Participants

Some cyclists enjoy El Tour and its festivities out of a passion for cycling, while others choose the event to benchmark their fitness as part of a healthy lifestyle change or as a wellness program goal as a survivor of cancer or other life-threatening illness. Many are attracted to El Tour’s fundraising programs and its many charitable agencies for which the event raised nearly $4,000,000 in 2013. All El Tour riders share a desire to ride, meet great people, raise contributions and have a fun time doing it!

The Routes

Participants cycle main event distances of 107, 81, 57, or 38-miles, or choose the Fun Ride 10 or 5 miles or a fun 1/4 mile activity course too! Main event routes show off Tucson’s beautiful vistas of its local mountain ranges – three rising over 9,000 feet- complete with the backdrop of the majestic Saguaro cactus, icon of the Sonoran Desert. Course profiles range from flat to rolling or moderately hilly. The 38-mile route is basically flat and has become a great family affair or a perfect first event for beginners! Two often dry but sandy river crossings will greet 107-mile riders, while 81-milers experience just one. No crossings for 57 or 38-mile participants. All routes offer aid stations with water and snacks spaced about 7-10 miles apart, full police support at intersections and plenty of morale-boosting volunteers and spectators. The Fun Ride offers easy and scenic routes along the Santa Cruz River multi-use path.

The Finish

The 104-mile startline (and finish line for all events) is located at Armory Park across the street from Children’s Museum Tucson on South 6th Avenue at 13th Street. Cross the finish line and experience El Tour Downtown Fiesta! First order of business for cyclists after meeting friends & family is to collect a special finisher’s medallion based on their finish time. Next, celebrate at the Fiesta complete with non-stop music, the Michelob Ultra Garden, food vendors, El Tour merchandise booth, kids activities, the Grand Cycling Awards Ceremony, and more!

For full details please visit: http://www.perimeterbicycling.com/el-tour-de-tucson/

Held annually the Saturday before Thanksgiving, El Tour is a fun adventure ride attracting over 9,000 cyclists

Tag: perimeterbicycling
Jan 26 2015 - NEWS: El Tour De Tucson Opens 1st Feb