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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> 25 Spring Classic Rides in North America

25 Spring Classic Rides in North America

Spring is just around the corner and so are the Spring Classics.

Here's our list of the top 25 events 2015. 

These PRO/AMATEUR events are suited to cyclists of all kinds and performance levels that want to start their season with a real challenge and experience like no other. Ride the same roads as the professionals, be a Pro for the day.

Lots of these rides include sections of gravel, dirt, mud and unpaved roads that will test you, your bike and your riding skills to the limit - let alone your endurance and fitness.

Road bikes are ok, but you'll probably need wider thicker wall, treaded tires and/or MTB brakes. Cyclocross, Mountain Bike, Single-Speed, Fixed Gear and Fatbikes are typically welcome, but always check with the organiser to be safe and research the courses. These events are hell on you and your machine.

Don't be fooled by the distances - some of these rides are seriously, seriously tough!


Date Event Location Routes Diff  Type
Feb 21 Road Apple Roubaix Middlefield, Ohio, USA 20, 40 miles C GRAVEL
Feb 15 Rocheport Roubaix Katy Trail, Rocheport, Missouri, USA 20, 30, 55, 70 miles F GRAVEL
Mar 01 Sourland Semi-Classic Hopewell, New Jersey, USA 62 miles C GRANFONDO
Mar 14 - Mar 15 Rouge Roubaix Classic Race and Gran Fondo St. Francisville, Louisiana, USA 103 miles F GRAVEL
Mar 15 Gran Fondo Ephrata Ephrata, Washington, USA 80 miles E GRAVEL
Mar 21 Hell of Hunterdon Blawenburg, New Jersey, USA 82 miles D GRAVEL
Mar 28 - Mar 29 Gorge Roubaix Race and Grinder The Dalles, Oregon, USA 48, 75 miles F GRAVEL
Mar 28 Barry Roubaix Hastings, Michigan, USA 24, 36, 62 miles C GRAVEL
Mar 29 Love Valley Roubaix Statesville, North Carolina, USA 50 miles, 60% dirt roads E GRAVEL
Mar 29 Steaming Nostril St. Jacobs, Ontario Canada 35, 69km C GRAVEL
Apr 04 Fools Classic Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania, USA 76 miles D CENTURY
Apr 04 Tour of the Battenkill Spring Preview Ride Cambridge, New York, USA 65 miles D CENTURY
Apr 11 Rasputitsa Spring Classic Burke, Vermont, USA 47 miles, 31 gravel D GRAVEL
Apr 11 Boulder Roubaix Boulder, Colorado, USA 19, 38 miles C GRAVEL
Apr 12 The Darby Roubaix Ferguson, North Carolina, USA 50 miles C GRANFONDO
Apr 12 Harris-Roubaix Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA 15,30,45 miles F CENTURY
Apr 18 - Apr 19 Tour of the Battenkill Gran Fondo Cambridge, New York, USA 68 miles D GRANFONDO
Apr 19 Amish Country Roubaix Millersburg, Ohio, USA 50, 100km B GRAVEL
Apr 19 Virginias Rough Roubaix Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA 50, 90, 115 miles C GRAVEL
Apr 25 The Fleche Buffoon New Hope, Pennsylvania, USA 75 miles D CENTURY
Apr 26 SPY Belgian Waffle Ride Carlsbad, California, USA 130 miles, 10 miles dirt F GRANFONDO
Apr 26 Paris to Ancaster Paris, Ontario, Canada 40k, 70k C CENTURY
May 10 Hell and Heck of the North Stouffville, Ontario, Canada 47,77 miles D GRANFONDO
Jun 27 Hilly Billy Roubaix Morgantown, West Virginia, USA 74 miles F GRAVEL

Tour of the Battenkill Race & Gran Fondo, Sunday, April 18-19, Greenwich, New York