2025 Oregon Gravel Series
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Rough Riders 200 is excited to announce the Pactimo King of the Mountains and Queen of the Mountains Competition in 2015!

Rough Riders 200 is excited to announce the Pactimo King of the Mountains and Queen of the Mountains Competition in 2015!

Rough Riders 200 is excited to announce the Pactimo King of the Mountains and Queen of the Mountains Competition in 2015!

Winners receive a custom Pactimo Ascent 2.0 jersey.

A male and female winner will be “crowned” on Saturday June 27th and on Sunday June 28th following the 2015 Rough Riders 200, starting in Angel Fire, New Mexico.

The Saturday winner of the Queen category will be the first female rider to cross the summit line of US Hill (4.3 mile climb with grades 4-7% around mile 40). Similarly for the King. The Sunday winners will be the first female/male riders to cross the summit line of Bobcat Pass (3.75 mile climb with grades 3-7% around mile 50).

Not sure you'll be there at the front at mile 40 or 50 to contest? Not to worry. There will be a warm up event on each ride Saturday and Sunday. Be the first to summit Palo Flechado (2.2 mile winding climb with grades 4-7% around mile 6) and win Pactimo Custom Cycling Gloves.

Overall male and female winners also receive a customized Pactimo Ascent 2.0 Yellow Jersey.

Rough Riders 200 is holding its third annual event in 2015. It is a two day gran fondo road cycling event in Northern New Mexico. There are five ride options this year:

• the full 200+ miles consisting of 104 miles on Saturday and 100 miles on Sunday.

• the NEW 150+ miler – 104 on Saturday and 50 miles on Sunday

• Saturday only 104 miles

• Sunday only - 100 miles

• Sunday only – 50 miles (Bobcat Pass 50) NEW

The full Rough Riders 200 distance event consists of over 11,000 ft of climbing. The Start/Finish venue is located in Angel Fire, New Mexico a town that sits at approximately 8,500 ft above sea level, providing some serious high altitude training,  pristine scenery and quiet roads. 

For full details, please visit the official website at http://roughriders200.com/

To register right away, please goto : http://www.roughriders200.com/registration.php

Bobcat Pass, New Mexico on the Rough Riders 200

Riders work together on day 2 of the Rough Riders event, racking up 200 miles!