2025 L'Etape Denmark - June 28th
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Top Autumn Ride - Los Cabos Gran Fondo

Top Autumn Ride - Los Cabos Gran Fondo

Los Cabos - only a few hours away from all major US cities

All good things come to an end, including summer. 

With the Gran Fondo Los Cabos, you can extend your summer sun riding a bit further. 

Los Cabos is located at the southern tip of Mexico's Baja California Peninsula, in the state of Baja California Sur.

With a major airport, it's only a few hours away from all major US cities on both the East and West coasts. So if you are from California, Chicago or the Big Apple, then this ride could be one to stick in your diary - taking place on October the 18th, 2015.

The event is organized by those who founded the very successful and sold out Gran Fondo Texas.

The Gran Fondo Texas has over the last couple of years developed into the Lone Star's top Gran Fondo and Premier cycling event

With proven success and experience, the organizers have expanded into the Volpi Gran Fondo Series this year and have specifically chosen this location for it's breathtaking views, with the Pacific Ocean as your riding buddy.

Both routes, the 65 mile Medio Fondo and 107 mile Gran Fondo go through long stretches of coastline. On a recent preview, Bicycling Magazine in their May issue commented "On a preview of the route, we saw whales, straddled the Tropic of Cancer, hung out at the Hotel California and had the best Vampiros of our lives at the Asi & Asado".

Gran Fondo Los CabosGreat routes, amazing prizes, lots of swag from the events sponsors and a Gran Fondo style Post Race Party are just some of the surprises they will have in store for you.

Taking part will be much more than an Epic bike ride. You'll experience one of the most popular tourist destinations in all of Mexico.


For full details of the Los Cabos Gran Fondo, please click link the below on the Volpi Gran Fondo series website:



Click here to enter the event online via Active.com:



You can find the Los Cabos Gran Fondo on Facebook:



Life can be tough after a Gran Fondo - at the Amazing Cabo Surf Hotel!!!




Tag: volpi
Jul 17 2015 - NEWS: Top Autumn Ride - Los Cabos Gran Fondo