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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> This years Gran Fondo NJ will feature a new “Couples" category for the Gran, Medio and Piccolo Routes

Gran Fondo NJ adds a “Couples" category to its KoM/QoM Awards for each of the Gran, Medio and Piccolo routes

(Morristown, NJ August 25, 2015) Gran Fondo NJ continues its leadership of Gran Fondos in recognizing the performance of its participants with a full complement of KoM and QoM Categories.  In addition to recognizing Individual Overall and Age Group awards for men and women, for its Gran (107 mile) route, it also offers Men’s and Women’s Team Category Awards.   It is also one of the few, if not the only Gran Fondo to provide awards in both the Medio (62-mile) and Piccolo (42-mile) distances, for all categories. 
This year, at the request of many riding couples, we are introducing a Couples' Combined Team category for couples riding either the Gran, Medio or Piccolo routes. “Participant feedback on our event is very important to us” said Marty Epstein, Founder of Gran Fondo NJ, “We want to offer things we would like to see when we ride in events.  Being responsive to these suggestions is one of the many reasons our event is rated so highly by our participants."
Gran Fondo NJ does not provide Start/Finish times as we encourage our participants to enjoy the routes and rest stops along the way. “It has always been a fun ride to do as a group, and this year we wanted to make it more fun for riding couples.” said Bill Ruddick, the event’s Executive Director.
Individual KoM and QoM awards are based on the cumulative time for the four toughest climbs on the Gran Route, the two toughest climbs on the Medio Route and the toughest climb in the Piccolo Route.
Team Awards are based on the combined times of the five fastest men or women on a team for each of the three routes.
The Couples Combined Award is based on the combined climbing times of couples riding the event – couples must cross the timing mats at the start and finish of each climb within 15 seconds of each other in order to qualify for the awards.

Gran Fondo NJ 2015

Gran Fondo NJ 2015, taking place on 13th September 2015 offers four challenging routes of 107, 62, 42 and 18 miles, with timed hill climbs on the Gran, Medio and Piccolo routes. The 63-mile Medio Fondo route was selected by the editors of Bicycling Magazine as one of "The 50 Best Rides in America."  All routes begin and end in historic Morristown, New Jersey.

Click here to register - http://granfondonj.eventbrite.com

Click here for full details - http://granfondonj.com/

The Gran Fondo NJ was voted one of the top 11 Gran Fondo's in North America in 2014.