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Tour de Cure Announces First Gran Fondo

Charity bike ride adds competitive component to help stop diabetes

Pittsburgh, PA – January 28, 2016 - The American Diabetes Association is excited to announce that their 2016 Pittsburgh Tour de Cure (TdC) on July 17, will include a new and unique competitive cycling component.  The 2016 TdC Gran Fondo will start at Seneca Valley High School and loop 100 miles through rural Beaver, Butler, and Lawrence Counties.

Gran Fondo is an Italian term which loosely translates to “Big Ride.” The Pittsburgh TdC Gran Fondo will feature a combination of a group ride, race, and tour.  This year’s course will include three timed sections:  (1) Chapel Dr. (Christmas Tree Valley); (2) Ellwood to West Pittsburgh; and (3) Nashua Road.  This is the only event of its kind in Western PA and the only cycling event within 200 miles of Pittsburgh on that date.  The TdC Grand Fondo timed sections range from 1.6 to 6.3 miles in length, with 65 feet to 376 feet of climbing, and a total elevation gain of 6,182 feet. 

Prizes will be awarded for the fastest timed male and female.

The Pittsburgh Tour de Cure is one of the area’s premier cycling events, gathering everyone from recreational riders to experienced cyclists who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of those affected by diabetes. Participants help stop diabetes for the more than 29 million American children and adults with type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes and their families, friends, colleagues and caregivers.

The Pittsburgh Tour de Cure provides four varying distances, full SAG support, and themed rest stops stocked with an array of rider friendly food and beverages. To celebrate completing the course, a finish line celebration greets riders with delicious food, lively entertainment and a health and fitness festival. So grab your family, friends and coworkers and join us as we raise money to help stop diabetes, America's fastest growing disease.

To register or for more information, visit diabetes.org/pittsburghtourdecure or call Shannon Davis at 412-824-1181 EXT4604.

About the Tour De Cure

In its 25th Anniversary year the Tour de Cure is a series of fund-raising cycling events held in 40 states nationwide to benefit the American Diabetes Association.

With routes designed for everyone from the occasional rider to the experienced cyclist. Whether participants ride 10 miles or 100 mile, they will travel a route supported from start to finish with rest stops, food to fuel the journey and fans to cheer them on!

Last year, more than 40,000 cyclists rode in 80 Tour events to support the mission of the ADA: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

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