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San Luis Obispo County, California To Host Stage 4 of Amgen Tour of California in Morro Bay, May 18, 2016

Scenic coastal route starts in Morro Bay and heads north along Highway 1, providing a magnificent backdrop for elite cyclists

San Luis Obispo County SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif., May 9, 2016 - The 2016 Amgen Tour of California, which enters its second decade as America's most prestigious annual cycling event, will feature San Luis Obispo County for the third straight year as part of this year's epic event. Offering an unsurpassed field of men's professional teams for the 2016 race, cyclists will compete along one of the most scenic coastal regions in California, beginning in Morro Bay and heading north along Highway 1 through San Luis Obispo County to Monterey County.

The 11th annual Amgen Tour of California is an eight-stage event covering nearly 800 miles of California terrain May 15-22. This year's event will include 18 of the world's most decorated and esteemed teams with many of the top cyclists in the world, competing for one of the sport's most coveted titles.

In 2016, race organizer AEG worked in partnership with Visit San Luis Obispo County and the City of Morro Bay to bring this year's event to the region. "Visit San Luis Obispo County is proud to sponsor the 2016 Amgen Tour of California," Chuck Davison, President and CEO of Visit San Luis Obispo County, said. "We are thrilled the tour has chosen Morro Bay as the Stage 4 start, and look forward to showcasing Morro Bay and San Luis Obispo County by giving national and international viewers a glimpse of our dynamic and beautiful County. The national and international exposure we will gain from partnering with the Amgen Tour of California is invaluable to our local economy, and we look forward to continuing our partnership in the years to come."

Stage 4, which kicks off Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 10:10 a.m., will start in Morro Bay with the majestic Morro Rock in the background and travel through the heart of the city before heading north on California's most famous coastline. "Morro Bay continues to be thrilled at hosting this world class race in our amazing coastal town," said David Buckingham, City Manager, Morro Bay. The 133.6-mile route, the longest stage of the race, will then proceed up Highway 1 past the charming beach coastal town of Cayucos, which offers a quaint downtown, a pier, miles of sandy beaches and dramatic views of the Pacific Ocean.

Riders will follow the Highway slightly inland through gently rolling hills, offering a view of the enchanting town of Harmony, population 18 and home of Harmony Cellars, where historic structures have been artfully re-purposed to house a glassblowing studio, blacksmith's gallery, garden shop, pottery store and music studio. From there it's back toward the coastline and the seaside village of Cambria, situated amidst Monterey pines and named one of the most beautiful cities in America by Forbes Magazine.

Next it's on to San Simeon and some of the most pristine stretches of Pacific coastline that have been naturally carved by the sea. One of San Simeon's best-known attractions is the world-famous Hearst Castle, a hilltop mansion built by William Randolph Hearst in the early 20th century that is open daily for tours. The area is also home to a large northern elephant seal population at the Piedras Blancas rookery. Then the race proceeds to Ragged Point, located just 15 miles north, towering high above the Pacific Ocean atop 400 foot sheer cliffs, and offers one of the finest ocean vistas in the world.

For more information on San Luis Obispo County, visit VisitSanLuisObispoCounty.com. More information about the race and Stage 4 is at amgentourofcalifornia.com.

To apply to attend the Amgen Tour of California, please contact us at VisitSanLuisObispoCounty.com

San Luis Obispo County, California To Host Stage 4 of Amgen Tour of California in Morro Bay, May 18, 2016