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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> 4th Annual Rollfast Gran Fondo, September 18 in Carmel, Indiana

4th Annual Rollfast Gran Fondo, September 18 in Carmel, Indiana

In case you haven't heard, Rollfast will ride it's 4th annual Gran Fondo September 18th in Carmel Indiana. The route begins at the beautiful Carmel City Center next to the Palladium and offers three options of varying distances (25, 65 and 100 miles)

All three routes finish together back in Carmel for a post party celebration with food, beer and live music. 

The charismatic Bob "Bobke" RollThe return of Bobke

We liked him so much we asked him to come back! If you missed last year's event, you missed the charismatic Bob "Bobke" Roll. Fear not, he is returning again! Not only will he be riding in the Fondo, there is a special evening planned the night before the Fondo called the "Platinum Party". The Platinum Party is a cocktail party limited to 35 guests. This is your chance to have your own personal Ask Bobke about the world of cycling. Platinum Tickets Available

A ride for all skill levels

We know that the "roadies" love the Fondo, but we believe that cycling is for everybody. This year we are encouraging riders of all skill levels (including families) to join us for a day they won't forget.

With plenty of food (insert FRIED CHICKEN here) spread across the route, anybody can complete the Piccolo (25 mile) route! So roadies, invite a friend or family member and show them how awesome cycling is in Indiana.

About the Rollfast Gran Fondo

September 18th 2016 - Carmel, Indiana 

Creating a Legacy - Fourth edition of Indiana's first and fastest Century!

Rollfast's vision is building a happier and healthier world through cycling. Matt and Chris Tanner founded the Rollfast Gran Fondo in 2013 with the objective of sharing their passion for riding bikes in arguably one of the prettiest landscapes in the Mid-West. The Rollfast Gran Fondo has three ride options to suit all skill levels and features a start/finish venue at the beautiful Carmel City Center, home of Trek "Legend" dealer, The Bike Line.

The Rollfast Gran Fondo is Indiana's first and only Gran Fondo and one of the fastest century rides in the country, being completed in an astonishing 3h 52m in 2015. The Rollfast Gran Fondo is creating a cycling legacy in Carmel, Indiana. Over 16% of riders travel from out of state to participate in this well regarded and established event, which is likely to increase further this year.

Registration is now open - ccnbikes.com/events/rollfast-gran-fondo

Creating a Cycling Legacy

In December 2015, Rollfast Inc. filed for non-profit status with a vision of creating cycling scholarships for the youth of Indiana. 

It is our goal in 2016 to create 4 scholarships and we need your help. If you would like to learn more check out our website where you can also make a donation.


4th Annual Rollfast Gran Fondo, September 18 in Carmel, Indiana