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3,000 riders tackled 6th Annual Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan

Thousands of cyclists lined up in beautiful weather to tackle the 6th annual Gran Fondo Axel Merckx in Penticton, British Columbia

Penticton, British Columbia, 9th July - Thanks to British Columbia Ministry of Transport, participants had new smooth tarmac on Oliver Ranch Road, part of the Velocefondo (126k) and Gran Fondo (160k) who re-paved the road the week before.

Despite rainfall warnings leading up to Granfondo Weekend, the weather was picture-perfect for Sunday’s big ride. We witnessed more than 2,230 riders prevail and cross the finish line in four categories (Granfondo [160 km], Velocefondo [126 km], Medionfondo [92 km] and Cortofondo [55 km]).

North Vancouver’s Deanna Thomson (4:17:30) was the fastest female Granfondo rider, while three-time Ironman World Champion, Peter Reid (4:06:39), recorded the fastest time in the male division. Vancouver’s Pender Racing team took both the Men’s and Women’s team titles in the Granfondo category, and the Glotman Simpson team held off 54-Blue for the Mixed team title. Thousands of other riders – fathers, sons, daughters, moms and friends – crossed with smiles and great stories. 

Mark your calendars. Next year’s PGAMO will occur on Sunday, July 9th, 2017. Registration will open in mid-October so stay tuned for announcements in the Fall. It’s always a good time to book your accommodations now, as many Penticton-based hotels offer very generous and flexible cancellation policies.

Thanks to the efforts and generous donations of many riders, volunteers, organizers and sponsors, we raised more than $6,000 for Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, B.C.’s recognized pediatric palliative care provider, delivering care to over 600 newborns, children and youth and the families who love them. The framed, signed Peter Sagan jersey alone garnered a silent auction bid of $2,000!

2016 Gran Fondo Axel Merckx Photos 

Riders in the 2016 PGAMO can now access photos, including those from the Piccolofondo, from 

2016 Gran Fondo Axel Merckx Results

A total of 2,672 riders completed the course in temperatures of 22 centigrade (78 farenheit)

Cortofondo (55 KM) -  

Mdeio Fondo (92KM) -

Gran Fondo (160km) -

VeloceFondo (126km) -


3,000 riders tackle 6th Annual Prospera Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan