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Chris Froome to attend ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France

Team Sky leader will be at event on Sunday 25 September

London, UK, July 13th - Chris Froome, twice winner of the world’s most famous cycle race, will be joining thousands of amateur cyclists at ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France on Sunday 25 September. Riders still have the opportunity to enter England’s only official Le Tour de France sportive and ‘have their day in yellow’. As well as great riding cyclists will enjoy a number of Le Tour de France experiences similar to the professionals. Froome is currently competing in France alongside his Team Sky comrades attempting to make it a hat-trick of Le Tour victories.

On the day at ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France, Chris Froome will be meeting riders before they start, giving advice at one of the feed stations and on route, and handing out medals to those who complete the ride. You may even be able to grab a photo with Chris on the podium, which is an exact replica of the one used during Le Tour de France, something he is used to standing atop. Additionally, anybody who signs up by Sunday 24 July will go into a draw to attend a special breakfast with Chris Froome, giving them an opportunity to get some tips first-hand about the ride ahead.

Those wishing to ride ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France can choose from 42, 92 and 117 mile routes, which follow many of the same roads from stage three of the 2014 tour – when it began in the UK. The start and finish is the iconic Lee Valley VeloPark, instantly recognisable from the 2012 Olympic Games. To add to the authentic Le Tour de France atmosphere the famous red Skodas will be on display, along with official Le Tour number bibs, directional signs and museum. Those of a competitive nature can set a time around the final closed road kilometre, with the fastest appropriately winning the official Le Tour de France green sprinters jersey. The inaugural 2015 event sold out its 3,500 person capacity, with great demand expected again in 2016.

Nick Rusling, CEO of organisers Human Race Events, said “In recent years Chris has won the hearts of the British public with his spectacular performances and winning attitude. Having somebody of his calibre attend on 25 September will add an extra sprinkle of Le Tour magic to this already very special event, I can’t think of anybody I’d rather have supporting ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France than Chris Froome.”

With demand high riders are advised to enter fast. To find out more and to register for ICAP L’Etape London by Le Tour de France visit

Chris Froome to attend ICAP Etape London by Le Tour de France