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VIDEO: If you are cycling on the road then I'll drive on the cycle path!

Driver who decided to teach cyclists a lesson in highway etiquette end ups completely on the wrong side of the law. Evidence to be used in charges

UK ccyling club, Ely & District CC members got a surprise on weekend club run.

A group of cyclists on a club ride on Saturday got a surprise when a motorist drove across a grass verge and took to a cycle path to pass them.

Members of Ely & District Cycling Club taking part in its easy-paced ride were cycling in single file when the driver made the unusual – and illegal – manoeuvre.

As he passed them, he made a "hand gesture" and shouted: “If you are cycling on the road then I'll drive on the path."

As the video shows, there were no vehicles coming in the other direction, so the driver could have safely overtaken the riders on the road.

The footage was posted to the club’s Facebook page by Derek Ricketts, who said: “Think the driver may be getting his collar felt when I pass it on to the police.”

Under section 329 (1) of the Highways Act 1980, a “cycle track” is “a way constituting or comprised in a highway, being a way over which the public have the following, but no other, rights of way, that is to say, a right of way on pedal cycles with or without a right of way on foot.”

Under UK law cyclists are allowed to cycle on the highways at all times and are not obliged to use cycle lanes, however it is curtious to do so. The club which were out on a run had no means of easily cross the verge to join the path and proceeded in a legal and safe manner on the highway.

Unfortunately the driver who decides to "teach" cyclists how to behave has no actual appretiation of the laws and has inadvertantly broken several laws including; reckless driving, driving on a road not designated to for motor vehicles and threating and abusive behavior. With the video evidence, UK police will be able to bring charges that will be used to prosecute the driver, who could be heavily fined or banned from driving through the UK courts.

SHOCKING VIDEO: Driver leaves the road to overtake cyclists on a path