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Peter Sagan VIP Charity Event

A 2-day VIP Cycling Event Like Never Before

Peter Sagan VIP Charity Event -  A 2-day VIP Cycling Event Like Never BeforePark City, Utah September 5th, 2016– KL Promotions LLC, in partnership with Conejo Pacific Events, are excited to announce the Peter Sagan VIP Charity Ride coming to Westlake Village, CA on November 18-20. One of the greatest talents on two-wheels, one of the most likable personalities in the pro peloton, and the man who is more stylish than anyone in “green” is coming to So Cal for an intimate weekend of cycling, dining, and good times.

Westlake Village has become a road cycling mecca and is one of Peter's favorite places to train and race. As a child, Peter was given the gift of the bicycle and now he wants to give back the gift he was given as this event will support the Boys & Girls Club of America. “Hello, I hope you will join me in Westlake Village for a weekend to ride bikes and help the kids, it will be fun, no” said Sagan

Cycling analyst and event guest speaker, Steve Porino, will be on hand to call the shots. “I’ve been following Peter around the world on the back of a moto for years. I really look forward to finally catching up with THE most exciting and inspiring rider in the sport” said Porino

For the first time ever now is the chance to be part of Peter’s peloton as space is limited to 198 participants.

This all-inclusive weekend will include 2 nights of world class lodging, fine dining, two fully supported rides, massages, and a limited edition swag bag.

VIDEO: And now a message from Peter!

Register before September 19th and Save 10%!

Use Gran Fondo Guide's special 10% discount code: 2069192595

Event details and online registration can be found here

For additional questions and details contact Steve Kwait

Special thanks to our partners: SunRootSpecialized BicyclesGoGo ID10 Speed Coffee

Peter Sagan VIP Charity Event  A 2-day VIP Cycling Event Like Never Before!