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Chinese Pro cyclist Meiyin Wang joins BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team

After the first Training Camp BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team announced another cyclist who will be a part of the team. Talented Chinese rider Meiyin Wang will race in the new team for the next two seasons.

Tuesday 1st November 2016 – Meiyin Wang, age 27 is a one of the best Chinese riders who joined professional cycling eight years ago. His 1st place at Mountain Classification Tour de Langkawi this year and 1st place at Stage 5 at Tour of China and 3rd place at National Road Race Championships in 2015 are just some of his great results which gives BAHRAIN MERIDA management proof that Meiyin can bring great results also at European, Middle East and other races where the team will be present. Confirming Wang in the team it means that BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team now has cyclists from twelve nations.

"As a cyclist, joining BAHRAIN MERIDA, a top-notch cycling team, is a dream comes true. It could be even harder as a track and field athletes like me to achieve that. I have been working on cycling sport for more than 10 years and I really appreciate my coach (Fu-yu, Li) with his instructions. Also, I really appreciate Mr. Brent Copeland and Merida the brand with their trust. I look forward working with my new team-mates, and I will try my best in the races in Europe and else where and honor my team and all the Chinese people,« said satisfied and enthusiastic Meiyin after signing with BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team.

General Manager of the team, Brent Copeland said: “The selection of Meiyin on our team is something which brings us a great amount of pleasure, we have been keeping a close eye on this talented Chinese rider for a long time now and we are very much looking forward to seeing him race in the BAHRAIN MERIDA jersey, he is one of, if not the best Chinese rider at present and his results and experience show this, his age of 27 and racing for eight years in professional ranks is something that will bring to the team a lot of importance. His results speak for themselves where he has always done well in the Asian races, the most recent finishing as the best placed Chinese rider in the Tour of Hainan that finished last weekend, we are very pleased to be able to give him this great opportunity to race in Europe and we are sure that with more experience of racing in the European races he will have even more margin for improvement and we are looking forward to working with him and helping him improve in all necessary areas, the inclusion of Meiyin on the team once again shows the importance of the team making it more international, where we are now sitting on twelve different nations in our team and this gives us a lot of satisfaction in order to create such an international professional team.

Chinese Pro cyclist Meiyin Wang joins BAHRAIN MERIDA Pro Cycling Team