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New Date for Chilterns Wildwood CX Sportive

The Chilterns Wildwood CX Sportive returns for a seventh year and moves forward a week to February 12th this year

The Chilterns Wildwood CX Sportive returns for a seventh year and moves forward a week to February 12th this yearPre-empting the gravel bike boom, CX Sportive was started by the Cycle Events Organisation in 2011, as a new generation of CX bikes started to emerge that perfectly complimented their long history in both MTB and road riding.

“We launched the Wildwood six years ago as an exciting alternative to cold slippery winter road riding and hub deep, claggy MTB, at a time when we were noticing interest in CX bikes as go anywhere all-rounders starting to grow”, explains event co-organiser, Martin Harrison.

“The event was an immediate hit, and naturally enough, proved popular with cyclo-crossers who had just finished their race season, as well as with road riders and mountain bikers looking for something new. Since then, we’ve just seen the love for CX grow, with gravel bikes coming into the mix and riders from all backgrounds discovering the appeal of riding bikes that don’t place limits on them. CX Sportive has developed into a year round calendar of events and become our new passion. We want to see CX growing in all it’s forms; race, recreation, open hill and adventure.”

The Wildwood CX is based in the village of Woodcote a few miles north of Reading, and features 80, 60 and 40km route choices on a mix of winter-rideable on and off road surfaces. Routes are fully marked, and there are feed stations and full event support to round out your ride.

The date change for 2017 puts the event clear of the Cyclocross race season, making it perfect encore event for racers looking for an outlet for their post season fitness.

You don’t have to be a racer to take part though, the event is designed for anyone who wants some pacey, varied and exciting mixed surface winter riding.

If you haven’t discovered the joy of CX (or ‘Gravel’ or ‘Adventure’ riding) yet, 2017 is the year the scene looks set get big!

You don’t need a CX or gravel bike to take part (29ers and fast XC MTB’s are perfectly good for CX Sportive events), but we’re willing to bet that before the year is out, you’ll be thinking about getting one!

Find out more and sign up for events at www.cxsportive.com.

VIDEO: Chilterns Wildwood CX Course Preview 2017

New Date for Chilterns Wildwood CX Sportive - February 12th 2017