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Montana Looking to Ban Cyclists from Some Roads

Cyclists could be banned from some of Montana’s roads if a controversial bill is passed

The draft bill will ban cyclists from two-lane rural roads without a shoulder or cycle lane running alongside, effectively banning cyclists from a large number of the state’s roads, forcing them off road or onto gravel roads instead.

The bill also means that cyclists are not allowed to ride side-by-side on the road at any time, only single file at all times.

Understandably, the state’s cycling community are not happy about the proposed changes, which would effectively ban road riding outside of towns.

“When you want to go on a ride, you want to get out of town. You want to go on these rural highways, but you just wouldn’t be able to do that anymore,” local bike shop owner Shaun Radley told NBC Montana.

“I worry more about my kids and some of the juniors that we hang out with and talk to. If they grow up and there’s no road riding, then you’re talking about a side of the sport really that’s almost dying. That’s hard to swallow.”

The legislation also applies to pedestrians too. The draft bill has received a mixed response from local people.

Photo: No hard Shoulder, No Ride?

Montana Looking to Ban Cyclists from Some Roads