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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Standalone Strava app rolls out for Android Wear 2.0

Standalone Strava app rolls out for Android Wear 2.0

Standalone Strava app, doesn't require connection to a smartphone,. Available for Android Wear devices with software 2.0. Standalone app update coming for Apple Watch Series 2

Standalone Strava app rolls out for Android Wear 2.0

We've known a standalone Strava app would be coming with the introduction of Android Wear 2.0 and now the fitness tracking company has announced it is now available to download. The standalone app means users will be able to track distance, time, pace, laps, split times and heart rate, all directly from an Android Wear 2.0 watch, without the need for a connected smartphone.

Android Wear 2.0: What's new in the major software update for watches

Until the release of 2.0, Android Wear devices were required to be connected to a smartphone to get an internet connection. Now, any Android Wear watch that can be updated to software version 2.0, has built-in GPS and cellular connectivity, can benefit from the full range of features of the standalone Strava app.

Mateo A. Ortega, head of integration for Strava said of the new app: "We welcome the highly anticipated release of Android Wear 2.0. Wear 2.0's standalone model is forward thinking and innovative, and pushes the limits of what we thought was possible. This platform introduces many features that benefit Strava athletes, such as the option to record and upload activities independent of their phone".

The app is available to download now from the Play Store directly through an Android Wear device.

But what if I'm an Apple Smart Watch user? 

iPhone owners to benefit from Android Wear 2.0, thanks to standalone apps

For now, you'll still need to have your iPhone connected to your watch and with you when you want to record any data. 

Strava has said itself "We do not currently support the native GPS of the Apple Watch 2.0. But, the next version of Strava for Apple Watch is in the works, and will take advantage of the native GPS. We expect to release it before spring (early 2017)". So some solace, at least.