Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Cyclist's Leg slashed by Disc Brake in Crash

Cyclist's Leg slashed by Disc Brake in Crash

An amateur cyclist with a deep cut in his leg has been left with a deep cut in his leg after a crash in a friendly group ride

Peter Curtis-Brown contacted us and shared photos of his injury which is still an open wound almost two weeks later.

Peter shared this video with us, saying: “It was a small social group ride and the group had split up at a junction. As I slowed up the two riders behind me did not react in time and crashed into me. It was at very slow speed. I didn’t even fall off. The video shows the disc brake-equipped bike coming up my right-hand side.”

“On a side note the injury has impacted me more that I first thought it would,” he added. “I can’t exercise at the moment as the wound is still open,”.

Peter Curtis-Brown contacted us and shared photos of his injury which is still an open wound almost two weeks later.