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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Tom Danielson invites you to ride the Rollfast Gran Fondo in under 4 hours

Tom Danielson invites you to ride the Rollfast Gran Fondo in under 4 hours

Tom Danielson will join us at the 2017 Rollfast Gran Fondo and he's bringing a CINCH squad to set a new course record. He wants you there to be part of the excitement as they crush the Sub4 Challenge. The Rollfast Gran Fondo is the fastest Fondo in North America!

Tommy D is back. He's a crowd favorite and loves seeing cyclists grow. Come meet him at the Fondo! Don't miss the excitement September 17th in Carmel Indiana!

VIDEO: Tom Danielson

The Sub 4 Challenge

Since the inception of the Rollfast Gran Fondo it's been a fast ride. The course is flat and sheltered from most wind by tall Indiana corn. In 2015 a challenge was submitted to finish in under 4 hours. Several local teams worked together and 25 finished under the 4 hour mark.

In 2016, word had spread across the borders of the United States into Canada and even Puerto Rico. "This is one fast event." New riders traveled and conquered the SUB4 Challenge.

In 2017 we are officially embracing the challenge with added neutral moto support, a live video stream from the front pack, finisher belt buckles and a presentation ceremony for the Sub4 Finishers!

Sub 5 Century Goal?

We realize not everybody is a world class athlete capable of rolling at an 26mph average. But that doesn't mean you can't set a PR. In fact, we heard from MANY that finished their first ever SUB5 hour century. This is no small feat!

In 2017, we will be recognizing all finishers that break the 5hr barrier as well. So, sign up and come ride your fastest century ever!

Tom Danielson invites you to ride the Rollfast Gran Fondo in under 4 hours