Tour de Whatcom - September 14th, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Lucas Brunelle was cyclist in seen cycling in Hurricane Irma video

Lucas Brunelle was cyclist in seen cycling in Hurricane Irma video

Brunelle was seen riding past a CNN news reporter, live in Miami during hurricane Irma, with winds gusting up to 100 mph

Footage of two cyclists cycling in the middle of hurricane Irma went viral last week after it was captured live by CCN's extensive live coverage of the disaster which turned out not as badly as predicted as the hurricane made landfall and died down to a tropical storm. It did of course cause immense damage and disruption to millions of people across Florida and wil take weeks to repair.

Most people watching the footage jokingly commented that they though the pair were  they chasing some crazy Strava KOMs with the help of a 100mph tailwind.

It looks likely that this wasn't as innocent as portrayed. 

Crazy cyclist and filmaker Lucas Brunelle was behind the stunt and has since released a video which must be seen to be believed.


Yep that wuz me in the hurricane #miamisucksdontcome #rushracingteam #irma #cnn #ohmythisisstupid @origin8cycling @kogel_bearings @cinelliusa @cinelli_official @rushracingteam

A post shared by Lucas Brunelle (@lucasbrunelle) o

Probably not a good idea to try this ever ...