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Gran Fondo NJ disqualifies two entire teams due to bad behaviour

Gran Fondo NJ is taking the unprecedented step of disqualifying two entire teams from this year’s event, and denying them entry in Gran Fondo NJ 2018. In addition they are suspending the popular team competition for the 2018 event, and possibly longer

(Morristown NJ, September 14, 2017)  - These actions are being taken as a result of the behavior of some teams’ participants, and a failure of the team's management to gain control of their members, including flagrant violation of both the rules of the road and event etiquette rules, disrespect of the residents along the routes, and failure to heed repeated warnings from event officials. These behaviors will not be tolerated in this and future events.

Marty Epstein, Founder of Gran Fondo NJ, owner of Marty’s Reliable Cycles, and board member of New Jersey Bike Walk Coalition, when asked about the decision responded "We want to send a strong message to our participants and to cyclists in general that sharing the road is a two-way responsibility and that we expect them at all times to act in a courteous manner with each other and with the drivers and residents along the routes we ride. We are guests in their communities and we expect our participants to act accordingly."

"We would like to thank the vast majority of participants in our event for behaving responsibly - it is unfortunate that the actions of such a small group of cyclists can tarnish both the event and, more importantly, the views that the general public have regarding cyclists."

In its first seven years of operation Gran Fondo NJ has introduced thousands of participants to both the challenges and the elation of participating in a Gran Fondo, and in the process has raised over $1,100,000 for both local and national charities.  "We do not want to put the reputation of our event, and our ability to give back to our community in jeopardy as a result of the intolerable behavior of a few individuals", said Bill Ruddick, Executive Director.  "We hope that the action we are taking will serve as a model for other events to follow.”

2018 Gran Fondo NJ Registration Open

Registration is already open for Gran Fondo NJ 2018 on September 9th, the Gran Fondo NJ is one of the USA's "Must Do Bucket List Rides" https://www.eventbrite.com/e/gran-fondo-nj-2018-registration-37128814283

Gran Fondo NJ disqualifies two entire teams due to bad behaviour

About Gran Fondo NJ

Gran Fondo NJ is held annually on the first Sunday after Labor Day. The event attracts thousands of cyclists of all abilities to ride its 5 distances, from the 18-mile, non-competitive Breve route, up to the 107-mile Gran Route with 4 timed hill climbs. Gran Fondo NJ showcases the beautiful scenery of Northern New Jersey winding its way out of Morristown NJ through 23 different municipalities and finishing back in Morristown with at post-ride festival held along side the iconic Morristown Green.

For more information on Gran Fondo NJ go to http://granfondonj.com

Photo: Left: Marty Epstein, Founder of Gran Fondo NJ and Right: Bill Ruddick, Executive Director, Gran Fondo NJ

Photo: Left: Marty Epstein, Founder of Gran Fondo NJ and Right: Bill Ruddick, Executive Director, Gran Fondo NJ