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Middle Aged Men in Lycra film makes it's debut

New film celebrates Middle Aged Men In Lycra, aka the MAMIL

A film has just been released that celebrates what it is to be a middle aged men in Lycra, aka the MAMIL

It features riders from all over the world including the the USA, New Zealand, France, Britain, Australia and Spain talking about what cycling mean's to them.

Loads of cycling clubs from around the world feature, Altoona Road Riders from Des Moines, USA, Adelaide Fat Boys from Australia and MAMIL Sports  from Nottingham, UK.

Made by Nickolas Bird and Eleanor Sharpe from Adelaide, Australia, the one hour and 40 minute film has commentary from well-known cycling commentator Phil Liggett.

MAMIL was screened again at the Adelaide Film Festival on Wednesday, October 11, and is available for screening in cinemas via Demand Film.

“These are middle-aged, middle-class men with careers, families and mortgages,” says the film’s website.

“They are never going to win the Tour de France – yet they spend a huge amount of time, money and energy on cycling. Why is it so important to own the best bike and all the right gear? What compels them to choose long hours on the road over time with the family?"

“This light-hearted, yet insightful, feature length documentary explores the secret lives of MAMILs in their natural habitat through interviews with experts interwoven with MAMIL stories set around the world.”

“MAMIL is an enjoyable and sometimes hilarious romp through the secret world of men and masculinity; that also explores the things that men are reluctant to talk about.”