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Disc brakes approved for all road cycling events in Canada

Cycling Canada have approved the use of disc brakes in all road cycling events in Canada, with the only exception being UCI sanctioned events

The decision comes into effect immediately after consultation between the Cycling Canada board, stakeholders, organizers and other relevant parties in Canada.

Discussions are underway between Cycling Canada and the UCI with the intention of obtaining approval for the use of disc brakes for the 2018 Canadian road championships which take place in Kamloops, B.C..

Cycling Canada acknowledged that the UCI rules are temporary, and that disc brakes could be banned at any time by the international federation, as they were after the Ventoso incident.

"Members should recognize that the UCI is continuing the disc brake trial at the international level and may set specific standards for disc brakes in the future. Brakes not meeting these standards will then, at some point, become illegal," Cycling Canada stated.

"Please be aware that it is also by no means guaranteed that disk brakes will be approved, and if the trial period ends without approval from the UCI, this equipment will then become illegal again and will require us to change this ruling."

The lack of standard sizing on disc brakes has means headaches for companies hoping to provide neutral support to riders. Cycling Canada warned its members that they may not be able to receive neutral support should they choose to race on disc brakes.

"Also, members should recognize that race organizers may not be able to provide the same level of neutral service for disc wheels early into this change," they stated.

Cycling Canada advises "If you have disk brakes and go to a jurisdiction that does not allow them or to a race falling under the trial requirement, you will most probably not be permitted to race. We ask that you please check with the race organizers prior to the event."

During the International trial, disc brake standards have not yet been agreed, with road bikes equipped with 160-mm and 140-mm rotors commonly being used at UCI WorldTour events. Cycling Canada say that if the UCI outline specific standards, they will then enforce them eventually. For now, riders are free to choose.

In the U.S., disc brakes are currently allowed in mass-start road events by USA Cycling.

Disc brakes approved for all road cycling events in Canada