Gran Fondo Hincapie Merced - March 15th 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Motor doping - the Yorkshire Way!

Motor doping - the Yorkshire Way

Hey, if you're gonna cheat, at least do it properly!

With all the controversy surrounding motor doping, we couldn't help but laugh when we stumbled across this.

Yorkshire in the United Kingdom is renouned for it Dales, hardy cyclists and super tough climbs, ask the Pro's who ride the Tour de Yorkshire.

One bright spark decided to up the Ante in the motor doping department, much to the surprise of the local police, who decided enough was enough and seized it.

To cut a long story short, he mounted a chainsaw motor to his bicycle, and using some basic engineering, he modified the chain drive.

The peculiar creation was spotted by police in Baildon, Yorkshire, UK.

When police officers pulled over the rider, they discovered that the bike was homemade.

Very ingenious, lots of fun, keeping your legs warm, but probably not that safe!

Hopefully you too - can see the funny side!

Motor doping - the Yorkshire Way!