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Energy Lab to Power Tour of Cambridgeshire Festival

Golazo Cycling Ltd is delighted to announce that the headline sponsor for the Tour of Cambridgeshire 2018 is the corporate wellbeing provider, Energy Lab

Peterborough, December 2017 - Malcolm Smith, Golazo Cycling Ltd Managing Director, believes that the relationship with Energy Lab is the perfect fit as a headline sponsor of ToC; "The call to action of  the Golazo Sports group is Let’s Move. A battle cry for young, old and everyone in between and Energy Lab deliver this in companies, schools and cities around the world" says Smith.  

Kristof De Smet, the CEO of Energy Lab, considers that the Tour of Cambridgeshire is the perfect type of event Energy Lab want to support.  "ToC offers something for everyone’ says De Smet, ‘ whether people want to compete in the Chrono or the Gran Fondo or whether they want to chill in the Mellow Vélo or Family Fondo, ToC offers it all.  Our goal is to reach the converted, those who see participation in ‘moving’ as an important lifestyle choice.  These people are our ambassadors into their places of work, where we would like them spread the word about health and wellbeing and we can benefit by association and use our expertise to help organisations deliver meaningful measurable programmes for its staff whatever their own goals and ambitions."

New mum, Jessica Lockhart, ToC Event Director, sees the announcement as even more pertinent.  "Being a mum gives one a different perspective about exercise and the responsibilities of parents’ observes Jess.  ‘I noticed a recent OECD report about the health of our youth and was shocked.  It suggested that obesity rates in adults by 2030 would be 37% in the UK behind only the USA at 47%.  We need to educate our kids and lead by example.  The Energy Lab proposition is ideal as it makes heroes of those people who step up to change their own lifestyle choices towards healthier options and in doing so inspire their colleagues and children to do the same. At Golazo, our call to action is Lets Move and the fit with Energy Lab is perfect.  We believe that together we can make a difference."

Energy Lab to Power Tour of Cambridgeshire Festival

Energy Lab will have a substantial activation at the Tour of Cambridgeshire festival and would be delighted to talk to anyone who has an interest in corporate wellbeing. 

Please call in and say hi at the stand. Equally for those organisations which want to provide support for health and wellbeing ambitions of its employees in 2018 a special new year package is available to galvanise corporate energy.

Finally, De Smet references a number of case studies which Energy Lab have delivered in schools, cities and companies citing the success of a global mobilisation of the INEOS employees over the month of July last year with the Tour De France. This was a catalyst for teams and departments to compete by collecting kilometres, Bridgestone and the ‘Win 4 Youth’ programme in Adecco for which we present a short film below.

If you’re interested in talking to Energy Lab about a special offer introductory corporate programme with which to start 2018, maybe even as a lead up to ToC 2019, please contact