2025 BWR North Carolina
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> VIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana Mountains

VIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana Mountains

Forming the backbone of the northwest of Mallorca, the Serra de Tramuntana mountains are an absolute must to explore if you're visiting the island

Approximately 90 kilometres in length and running through more that 20 municipalities the Tramuntana are actually pretty hard to miss and being a UNESCO World Heritage Site only adds to their allure.


VIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana MountainsVIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana MountainsVIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana MountainsVIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana Mountains
VIDEO: Mallorca's Serra de Tramuntana Mountains