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Marty's Challenge: Help Marty Fight Cancer

Four years ago Marty Epstein, Gran Fondo New Jersey's founder was diagnosed with cancer

Four years ago Marty Epstein, Gran Fondo New Jersey's founder was diagnosed with cancer

Recently Marty decided to share his experience fighting cancer with the larger community in order to raise awareness and promote early discovery.

In 2018 Memorial Sloan Kettering became a sponsor of GFNJ. The ride partnered with MSK to promote cancer awareness, treatment and prevention.

Now is your chance to support Marty and MSK's world-renown cancer research efforts.

Marty is setting up a team of riders to raise $10,000 for cancer research.

Please join the team to ride 'Cycle for Survival' indoor ride event together with Marty. 100% of the donations will be used for cancer research by Memorial Sloan Kettering, where Marty is going through treatments.

The indoor fundraiser ride will take place on February 2nd, 2019 at Equinox Gym, Summit, NJ.

How Can You Help?

You can support Team Marty by joining the team as a rider or by making a donation.

To join the team and ride with Marty on February 2nd, a minimum fundraising of $1,000 is necessary. No minimum for donations.

VIDEO: Marty Goes Public at the 2018 Gran Fondo NJ

Marty Epstein, founder of the Gran Fondo NJ, is battling an advanced stage of prostate cancer. He decided it's time to speak up, and hundreds of cyclists responded with love and support at the 8th annual ride in Morristown, on Sept. 9, 2018.