Tour de Big Bear, August 2nd, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> UK Cyclist steals back bike and leaves notes for Thief

UK cyclist steals back bike and leaves message for Bike Thief

After a cyclist stole back his bike, he dealt with the thief in the best way possible, leaving a series of post-it notes

They read: “You c*nt. Next time you steal a bike use a different lock! Thank you for leaving on our route to town. You can keep the seat as a momento [sic].”

Tom Cridland, the man who spotted the four notes, said: “I love the little notes as I think they raise more questions than they do answers. Like how did the thief manage to get the lock off and use the same one to lock it up? Or how far away was the bike stolen from for it to end up back with its owner?"

“There are just a lot of questions. It was raining too and the post it notes didn’t look too wet or weren’t hanging off so they must have only been stuck there about 20 minutes before.”