Mt Baker Hill Climb - September 14th, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Strava data confirms huge Boom in North American commuting by bike

Strava data confirms huge Boom in North American commuting by bike

30% increase in commuting sees North Americans ditch their cars in favor of the bicycle for smaller journeys. Coffee is their fix!

Strava data confirms huge Boom in North American commuting by bike

Published just recently, Strava's 38 page Year in Review highlights a huge plethora of statistics, number crunched by their massive data warehouse. To mere mortals this culminates in the Heatmap showing bikes rides worldwide.

There are a lot of interesting facts and figures, like the 30% increase in commuting, up to 11 million logged commutes, an average distance of 8 miles, saving the climate an estimated 138 million lbs of CO2 emissions.

The key difference is these are actuals - not estimates.

30% increase in commuting in the U.S.

The other very interesting fact, is the U.S. moving up to 3rd place overall in countries logging commutes weekly. You would think European countries like the Netherlands would top this table, however, this comes down to cyclists using the platform and the U.S., U.K. and Japan lead the way.

the U.S. has moved up to 3rd place overall in countries logging commutes weekly

What is really interesting is the longest bike commutes are from those in Mississippi.  You can guarentee if you asked anyone to name the top commuting state, heck, the top 25 states for longest bike commutes – you'd never have guessed Mississippi!

This is furthered by the fact that the Bike League of America ranks the state towards the bottom – 40th of 50 states for bike infrastructure.  Same goes for Oklahoma – 2nd on the Strava list, but ranked 46th in the bike infrastructure list.

the longest bike commutes are from those in Mississippi

Beer wins for runners, and coffee wins for cyclists! At least in terms of titles.  Approvingly though, #3 behind both of those is cake!

With that – thanks for reading, you can download the entire PDF report here.

Beer wins for runners, and coffee wins for cyclists!