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Register NOW for the 4th Annual Bluewater International Granfondo

August 4, 2019, Sarnia, Ontario

The fourth annual Bluewater International Granfondo (BIGF) welcomes cyclists to Lambton County’s Bluewaterland, with a start and finish along the shores of Lake Huron in Sarnia’s beautiful Mike Weir Park. The BIGF is part personal challenge and part serious competition.

Register NOW for the 4th Annual Bluewater International Granfondo

Rated as one the Top Gran Fondo’s in North America in 2018, there are now four routes of 30, 50, 100, and 150 km available to suit all abilities of cyclists. The event is part of the growing Gran Fondo World Tour ® Series, and has SOLD OUT for three years in a row, attracting nearly 1,000 cyclists.

There is no start to finish time as in traditional racing formats but rather timed sections that count towards your time, allowing your competitive juices to flow if you want too. This means you can take your time between race sections, stop at the fuel stations, re-group and enjoy the ride with your friends and teammates.

Afterwards, you can cool off with a refreshing swim in Lake Huron prior to relaxing to live music, while enjoying a well-deserved beer or soft drink along with some very tasty food.

B.I.G. supports two charities, St. Joseph’s Hospice and Bluewater Health Palliative Care with the emphasis being on further education of staff in the field of Palliative Care. The 3rd annual cycling event raised more than $60,000, compared to $30,000 in the first year and $50,000 in year two.

Race committee chair Ken McAlpine said the money raised does a lot for the community, “We feel that we will have one of the best palliative care hospices and the best palliative care possibly in Canada and certainly Ontario.”

Bluewater International Granfondo makes a $60,000 donation to St. Joseph's Hospice and Bluewater Health's Palliative Care. August 2018. (Photo courtesy of Gina Marie Photography)

Photo: Bluewater International Granfondo makes a $60,000 donation to St. Joseph's Hospice and Bluewater Health's Palliative Care. August 2018. (Photo courtesy of Gina Marie Photography)

The 2018 Bluewater International Granfondo won Sarnia’s first age-friendly award. Topping nine submissions for the new category in the City of Sarnia’s annual Accessibility Awards, “the event that drew 1,000 riders to Sarnia earlier this year is a good example of something that incorporates all age groups,” said Dale Mosley, the city’s accessibility coordinator. “Fifty per cent of those people were over the age of 55,” he said. “And then it went from children all the way up to seniors.”

BIG continues to host the Ontario First Responder Road Cycling Championships

BIG is proud to again host Ontario First Responders Road Cycling Championship (OFRRCC).The OFRRCC will give First Responders an opportunity to showcase their dedication to the sport of cycling, while taking part in a terrific community event. The OFRRCC is open to active and retired sworn and civilian members of the police, fire and paramedic communities.

The unique format of the Championship allows the riders to enjoy a casual ride or “ride to win”. Within the 100km route, there are three timed sections which can be raced for the championship. The winners will be riders who finish the 100km route and post the fastest cumulative time in the three sections. Only the sections are timed, so riders can re-group, ride together, and enjoy the support of the Bluewater International Granfondo.

BIG continues to host the Ontario First Responder Road Cycling Championships

Register NOW to Secure a Place!

Since, its inception, the Bluewater International Granfondo has SOLD OUT well in advance, entries have increased to 1,000 places. The remaining places are now limited!

To avoid disappointment, register now before prices increase on January 31st.

Register by June 1st to be entered into two draws to win a week’s cycling vacation for two at one of Italy’s outstanding Bike Hotels. The Lungomare Bike Hotel in Cesenatico on the Adriatic. BIG opportunity for you and a friend to get in some high quality riding while enjoying some fine Italian hospitality, food and wine …… courtesy of friends at Bic Amore Mio. Draws will be during awards ceremony on ride day!

For more information, please visit: http://www.bigf.ca

Register by June 1st to be entered into two draws to win a week’s cycling vacation for two at one of Italy’s outstanding Bike Hotels.