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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Terrifying video shows Spanish film star mowed down by car while cycling!

Terrifying video shows Spanish film star mowed down by car while cycling!

Dani Rovira, who starred in a hugely popular Spanish film from 2014, was on his way to completing a charity cycling challenge when he and a fellow cyclist were struck from behind

In the video Rovira, who starred in the 2014 film Spanish Affair, said: “We are still here because it wasn’t our time to go. “Let’s respect one another on the roads.”

Dani Rovira and Martín Giacchetta, a firefighter whose daughter has Rett syndrome, were struck by the car from behind.

The driver was distracted when he tried to pick up his mobile phone from the floor after it fell.

They were cycling through France when they were hit. Their challenge wasan 11-stage route from Barcelona to Rome where they were due to meet the pope.

Miraculously, neither men suffered injuries but their bikes were damaged. Lucky escape!


IMÁGENES DURAS . Los planes de Paco en esta vida eran otros...los planes de todos en esta vida también son otros, pero de repente, y cuando menos te lo esperas...cambia todo . No dejes de ver la película de @paolagarciacostas #todosloscaminos y lo comprenderás . Protagonista: @danirovira Colaboradores: @claralago1 @miprincesarett @triki145 @martin.giacchetta Voz: @antoniorozco10

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