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Caution Urged for Southern Californian Cyclists Using Canyon Roads

Caution advised due to the presence of trucks transporting debris generated by last November’s Woolsey and Hill fires

Officials with the Debris Removal Operations Center (DROC) in Calabasas are urging cyclists in areas affected by last November’s Woolsey and Hill fires to use caution due to the presence of trucks transporting debris generated by the fires to local landfills.

As summer reaches Southern California and the rain tapers off, more and more cyclists are using the roads.

Roads of particular concern include; Cornell Road, Latigo Canyon Road, Corral Canyon Road, Encinal Canyon Road, Mulholland Highway, Decker Canyon Road and Deer Creek Road. 

An official from DROC stated "These roads pose a significant risk to cyclists because they are narrow, have “S” curves with blind spots and have limited shoulders.  These conditions leave truck drivers (with full loads) with no place to go and very little, if any, time to react when they encounter cyclists."

Debris removal officials estimate that heavy truck traffic will continue in the burn areas through the end of June.

Caution Urged for Southern Californian Cyclists Using Canyon Roads