Tour de Whatcom - September 14th, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Accolades pour in for the Gran Fondo Baie Sainte Marie in Atlantic, Canada
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Accolades pour in for the Gran Fondo Baie Sainte Marie in Atlantic, Canada

The 5th edition of Atlantic Canada's Premier Gran Fondo saw nearly 1,100 cyclists enjoy near perfect weather!

Perfect weather plus an overwhelming force of volunteer's made for a hugely successful experience.

This was the fifth year for the Gran Fondo, provided a choice of five routes for participants this year, including the new 88.5 km Mezzo "middle" Fondo to celebrate.

Lead organizer Larry Peach said the weather was perfect and the "great big smiles were contagious.

"It's such a high being involved on the ground with this event," he said. "We have such an amazing team of organizers, volunteers, sponsors and community members who rally together to create a world class cycling and cultural event."

Accolades pour in for the Gran Fondo Baie Sainte Marie in Atlantic, Canada

Over 1,300 meals were served, over 980 those the famous Arcadian Lobster!

300 took part in the 67km Medio Fondo, 250 in the 35km Piccolo Fondo, 185 in the 118km Gran Fondo, 170 in the new 88.5km Mezzo Fondo and 90 brave souls rode the 161km Super Fondo.

From the 1,100 registered riders, 800 were from Nova Scotia with a growing contingent from the rest of Canada, USA and several participants from Europe took part this year.

Although the Gran Fondo was not a race, here's the fastest times:

Super 161 km:
(m) Nicolas Muise, Yarmouth 04:42:13
(f) Kimberley Myles, Allendale, NJ 05:49:34

Gran 118 km:
(m) Daniel Wilson, Toronto, ON 03:08:05.
Second edition Steven Jeddry, Meteghan 03:21:31
(f) Margarett Jones, Groton, CT 04:01:45

Mezzo 88.5 km:
(m) Ethan McNutt, Valley, NS, 02:47:16
(f) Kayla Murphy, Eastern Passage, NS 03:13:45

Medio 67 km:
(m) J.P. Richards, Hammonds Plains, NS  02:07:40
(f) Sarah Robertson, Hammonds Plains, NS   02:13:25

Piccolo 35 km:
(m) Ian White, Milton Highlands, NS 01:09:12
(f) Jaime Hatfield, Cedar Lake, NS 01:18:55

Please click here for the full 2019 results:

Peach expects continued growth for next year's ride, confirmed to be held on Sunday, Sept. 20, 2020.

The 5th edition of Atlantic Canada's Premier Gran Fondo saw nearly 1,100 cyclists enjoy near perfect weather!