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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Italian cyclist throws himself into sea to avoid quarantine arrest!

Italian cyclist throws himself into sea to avoid quarantine arrest

A cyclist who disobeyed lockdown in the Italian province of Lecce, attempted to evade police by jumping into the sea with his bike!

Italy is currently the worst hit country from the COVID-19 pandemic. Italy's severe restrictions limit the public from leaving their homes without a valid reason.

This Italian cyclist was clearly lacking a reason and now faces a fine between 400 and 3,000 euros, after he took to the sea to protest.

"I've done nothing wrong", he protested as the police officer attempts to persuade him to get out of the water so he could be identified.

Unfortunately it wasn't all plain sailing, the officer stood firm and the man was eventually fined, according to La Gazzetta Del Mezzogiorno.

The Italian government have ordered everyone to stay at home unless they have to go outside for essential food, with exercise only permitted "very close to home".

Nearly 100,000 people have been infected with coronavirus in Italy so far. ?

VIDEO: Covid-19, ciclista entra in mare con la sua bici per cercare di evitare il controllo