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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Gravel Stars and Promoters Come Together for Gravel Summit

Gravel Stars and Promoters Come Together for Gravel Summit

The first ever Gravel Summit  was hosted online by Chris Lyman at the Lyman Agency on Thursday, May 28, 2020.

Chris Lyman is joined by a number of premier gravel race promoters and professional athletes including Amy Charity(SBT Grvl), Bobby Wintle (Mid South) Burke Swindlehurst (Crusher in the Tushar), LeLan Dains (Dirty Kanza) and Rebecca Rusch (Rebecca's Private Idaho).

Pro gravel athletes include Amanda Nauman, Colin Strickland, Kaysee Armstrong, Payson McElveen, Pete Stetina and Ted King.

Gran Fondo Guide was there to support the community as it openly and freely discussed the mental, physical and business effects of the global pandemic and how things may look after it subsides.


Mid South: https://www.midsouthgravel.com

Dirty Kanza: https://dirtykanza.com

Rebecca's Private Idaho: http://www.rebeccasprivateidaho.com

Tushar in the Crusher: http://tusharcrusher.com

SBT Grvl: https://sbtgrvl.com

The Lyman Agency: https://lymanagency.com