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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> British Gran Fondo and Sportives return from September 5th

British Gran Fondo and Sportives return from September 5th

British cycling have announced that cycling events rides can restart from the September 5th with new Social distancing rules

British Gran Fondo and Sportives return from September 5th

Due to the pandemic, promoters and participants must follow new heath and safety guidelines, including limiting the number of riders in a group and offering staggered start times.

Cyclists must ride in groups of six or less throughout an event, riders must also start in groups of six riders or less with 45-second intervals between groups.

No more than 24 participants are allowed to congregate at the start line at any one time.

Notably, all events will be capped to 600 riders.

Feed stations, as well as event HQs, will have to be large enough to adhere to social distancing, while refreshments, goody bags and medals will need to be collected in a 'self-service' system.

This is great news for British cyclists and cycling events, hundreds of events have been postponed or cancelled since Mid-March.

Click here for our 2020 - 2021 UK Gran Fondo and Sportive Calendar

Click here for our 2020- 2021 UK Gravel Fondo Calendar