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Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi-Bianchi pays tribute to Bergamo

The Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi-Bianchi pays tribute to Bergamo and its citizens for carrying on the fight against Covid-19

Bergamo in Italy was one of the worst affected areas in Europe as Coronavirus spread across Europe last March. 

During the pandemic, Bergamo residents's hung red hearts, on nearly every balcon, uniting the entire population - a symbol of the battle against the virus.

Throughout difficult weeks that touched the lives of everyone in the Bergamo area, the whole community was able to unite behind the doctors and nurses on the front line battling to save peoples lives.

In tribute to the city of Bergamo and its territory, the Granfondo Internazionale Felice Gimondi-Bianchi organizing committee adopted this symbol for the 2021 edition.

The red heart holds the spirit of the event to be held on May 9th, 2021 in Felice Gimondi’s memory. The strong connection between the cycling Champion and his homeland comes back to life with this new artwork: inside the red heart are fourteen cyclists wearing the jerseys Felice Gimondi conquered during his career.

The GF Gimondi 2021 is the opportunity for cyclists to start again, renewing the bond between the city and the event.

The U.S. Sedrinese jersey displayed at the centre refers to the Felice Gimondi’s early career, surrounded by cyclists riding in a circular wave.

Some of them are coloured red like the heart, representing the passion for cycling that GF Gimondi and Bergamo’s people have in common, while other cyclists are wearing the jerseys of Gimondi’s iconic victories.

With six months to go until May 9th 2021, the organizing committee led by Giuseppe Manenti is working to guarantee a high-quality event with top-level public safety measures. 

A new date for registration opening will to be announced in the coming weeks.

For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/2KdmgaF