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2nd Edition of Kentucky’s Licking Valley Century scheduled for June 25

It's going to be a fabulous event! Register before May 24th to score a cool Licking Valley Century T-shirt

Enjoy the beauty and challenge of riding the ridge tops and valleys of Northern Kentucky. See for yourself why many cyclists call this area “God’s country”. You will enjoy beautiful valleys and amazing vistas while pedalling along roads with very little traffic. 

Licking Valley Century RideThe Cincinnati Cycle Club is proud to announce that we will be hosting the Licking Valley Century Ride as the 3rd ride in a five ride series of the Kentucky Century Challenge in 2022.

Each route will have rest stops with a local flair to quench your thirst and foods to energize you throughout the ride. After successfully completing your ride, relax and enjoy a tasty meal & cold beverage while you reminisce with fellow cyclists about the panoramic views and lovely roads you have just enjoyed.

The ride features rolling terrain over low travelled roads. There are ride distances of 103, 65, 41, and 29 miles starting from Knights of Columbus Hall in Alexandria, KY.  

2nd Edition of Kentucky’s Licking Valley Century scheduled for June 25

If you have never been on these roads before you are in for a real treat.

Register early!  There is a rider limit and our 2021 event sold out!

We check all the boxes!

 Beautiful Low Traffic Roads

 Route for Everyone!

 Fresh Baked Goodies from Millstone Cafe

  Cold Kona Ice Treats

 Great scenery for pictures

 Finish Line Meal

 Live DJ at start and Finish

 Stuffed Rider Packets

 KOM/QOM challenge

 29 mile cruise, 41 mile scenic loop, 65 mile metric, and 100 mile century route.

 Knights of Columbus hall offering beer for purchase at finish line

 Winery Rest Stop at 12 Mile Creek

 Infinit Nutrition drink at all rest stops

Themed rest stop hosted by the Great Pumpkin Roll Gran Fondo

 Massages available at the finish line

 Reser Bike shop mechanics ready to help

The Licking Valley Century features rolling terrain over low traveled roads.

There are ride distances of 100, 65, 42, and 29 miles.   Below are the links to the routes.

29 mile route with 1,460 ft climb https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31553375

41 mile route with 2,296 ft climb https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31552851

65 mile route with 3,700 ft climb https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31552845

102 mile Century route with 5,888 ft climb https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31324404

All registrations include fully stocked rest stops, SAG, route markings and maps and a wonderful post ride meal.

KOM/QOM Challenge

The Licking Valley Century ride includes a KOM/QOM Challenge consisting of three timed segments on LVC century route. There are six age groups for men and women for 12 categories total.

Ranking by Age Groups. Three segment times will be COMBINED, scored for men and women, and six age groups (u25, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+).  Lowest combined time for 3 strava segments will have higher ranking.  Rider’s age on day of event will be used.

All eligible riders must be pre-registered by June 1, 2022 to be eligible for the KOM/QOM. No last minute entries will be eligible.


Cool Licking Valley Century jerseys for 2022!  

Jerseys will be available to order until April 26 and they are wonderfully priced at only $65!

These are high quality jerseys on the same materials you find on jerseys in Oakley stores.

Cool Licking Valley Century jerseys for 2022!

Register Now and Save!

All registrations include fully stocked rest stops, SAG, route markings and maps and a wonderful post ride meal.

Register before May 25 to score a cool Licking Valley Century T-shirt!

Registration is limited to 800 riders and the 2021 SOLD OUT, so enter now.

Ride Pricing

Early Bird until December 31   $55 ( includes ride t-shirt)

January 1 – March 31    $60 (includes ride t-shirt)

April 1 – May 24    $65 (includes ride t-shirt) ** last day for t-shirts is May 24

May 25 – June 24    $65

Day of Registration    $75 on June 25

For more information, please visit: http://www.lickingvalleycentury.com

Benefiting Henry Hosea House Food Bank

Event proceeds benefit the Henry Hosea House in Newport, KY a wonderful local food bank that fed over 48,000 meals in 2020.