2025 Bluewater International Gran Fondo
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Brendan Housler wins U.S. Gravel Grinder National Championship

Brendan Housler wins U.S. Gravel Grinder National Championship

Brendan Housler, of Blowing Rock, NC, took first place in Saturday’s Gravel Grinder National Championships

Brendan Housler wins U.S. Gravel Grinder National Championship

It was the second time the race was held in Loudoun County, attracting nearly 100 riders from across the country.

The 41-year-old cycling entrepreneur and coach completed the 100-mile course over western Loudoun’s rural and gravel roads with a time of 4 hours and 41 minutes. His overall race pace of 2:48 was just a second faster than second place finisher Aaron Widman of Raleigh, NC.

The event also included a 39-mile Mini G, with 72 racers. Seventeen-year-old Nate Meister, of Birdsboro, PA, setting the pace with a winning time of 1 hour 57 minutes.

The racers left Bluemont Station Winery and Brewery starting at 7:30 a.m.

Link to 2023 U.S. Gravel Grinder National Championship Results: https://tinyurl.com/2eza42fj

VIDEO: 2023 Gravel Grinder National Championship Rolls Out

Tag: usecfgravelgrindernationalchampionship
May 15 2023 - NEWS: Brendan Housler wins U.S. Gravel Grinder National Championship
Jun 28 2025 - EVENT: Grinder Nationals