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FoCo Fondo is only 2 months away! Time to register!

FoCo Fondo is only 2 months away! With five different routes, plus inclusive additional categories like e-bike, tandem, para, there truly is something for everyone.There is still room to register.

FoCo Fondo announces race and event timeline, registration details, new routes, and new initiatives for 2023

The 9th edition of the sell-out ride returns to Fort Collins, CO on July 23rd, 2023.

With Fat Tire returning as the event's title sponsor, FoCo Fondo 2023 is set to have another record year for participation. Racers and riders alike will have access to a smattering of events leading up to race day, not dissimilar to a destination wedding weekend. Expect to enjoy Fort Collins at large, pre-event rides, and New Belgium Brewery tours. On event day, ride your heart out, race the clock for a bolo tie, compete with others for cash and prizes, enjoy live music, bottomless Fat Tire, food and live music at the finish festival.

The event day experience will see NEW routes consisting of approximately 120 miles, 50 miles, 30 miles, and 12 miles. While keeping with some traditions, FoCo Fondo seeks to make their race routes obtainable by most, raceable if sought after, but an adventure you can be proud of finishing. For the 120 mile premiere event, there will be bolo ties earned upon a specific arrival time that will be as competitive as ever. Over $9,000 in cash prizes for overall mens, womens, and non- binary podiums, age group prizes and coveted points toward the Colorado Summer of Gravel Series.

New initiatives and staff will drive FoCo Fondo’s mission in 2023. Fort Collins’ Fondo has always used the event as a vessel to show that bikes are for all; for 2023 that mantra is pushed to a new level with FoCo Fondo bringing on paid community members to lead each program they have created. Not only will each program in gender, race, and para athlete diversity have their own community leader, that community leader will be of that demographic.

“How good will a CIS white male (me) be at creating space for other genders and races? I think the historical data precedes itself there. FoCo Fondo is excited to bring on people that are already leaders in their own community to help us,” says promoter Zack Allison. This program launches at the beginning of February.

Another push for FoCo Fondo is to incentivize limited vehicle trips via the Hitch-a-Ride program, supported by Chamois Butt’r and Visit Fort Collins. Carpoolers of any kind will be eligible to win some of the 25 $100 gift cards supplied by Chamois Butt’r. Attendees flying in will be able to take a free shuttle from the airport supplied by Visit Fort Collins. FoCo Fondo will have secure bag drops for riders commuting to the start. 

“Once you’re in Fort Collins, you don’t really need a car! It’s cheaper, it’s more fun, you’re here to ride your bike not look for parking.” says promoter Whit Allison. This program launches mid-February.

As in years past a grant from event proceeds is set aside by FoCo Fondo to donate to Safe Routes to School, a City of Fort Collins program to teach kids how to ride around town, ride for joy, and ride to school.

For more information, please visit: https://www.focofondo.com