Mt Baker Hill Climb - September 14th, 2025
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Echelon Gran Fondo to use for its hill climb challenges

Echelon Gran Fondo to use for its hill climb challenges

Echelon Gran Fondo, adding to Palo Alto and Hood River Fondos with Strava Segment Challenges

North American gran fondo operator, Echelon Gran Fondo, announced it will use to challenge its participants at its two Fall gran fondos in Palo Alto, CA and in Hood River, OR.

“Both of our Hill Climb Challenges are about 4 miles long with an average gradient of 7% and will be well marked on course,” said Echelon’s event director, Michael Sexton. “What is so cool about Strava is that it does matter when you get to the climb, so long has you have a free Strava account and a Garmin, iPhone, or Android device, you will be measured in the challenge.”

The two segment challenges are the Hood River 7 Mile Road Hill Climb Strava Segment Challenge and the Palo Alto Kings Mountain Strava Segment Challenge.  The Hood River Gran Fondo Challenge climb comes in at mile 59 and at mile 12 in The Palo Alto Gran Fondo. Total distances for the two gran fondos range from 30-95 miles.

How Strava Works

Strava uses GPS recording to track your riding and running.  With this data, it allows you to dig into your own personal performance, compare with fellow cyclists on different timed ‘segments’ of the ride, and share your activity with friends and family.  You can record your GPS through Strava’s free Andriod or iPhone applications, or through Garmin watches and cycling computers.  For more information, further detail is provided on

Echelon will provide laptops at the finish line for participants wanting to immediately download times off of their Garmin devices. Users of iphones and Androids that run Strava apps are automatically downloaded through the Cloud. It is that simple.