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United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Second Annual Cache Valley Gran Fondo

Second Annual Cache Valley Gran Fondo

On July 13, 2013, the second annual Cache Gran Fondo will begin at Logan Regional Hospital in Logan, Utah where 500 to 1,000 happy riders will be fed a catered breakfast prior to tackling either the 50 or 100 mile course through the beautiful mountain-encircled Cache Valley. Riders will also be given a complementary Cache Gran Fondo jersey that they can choose to wear during the ride.

With morning temperatures in the low 70s, both riders of both courses will meet a number of support stations along the way. In addition to normal amenities, each stop will have fun surprises for riders (last year, riders were offered breakfast burritos and massages!) before continuing on.  The finish line for both the 50 and 100 mile races is located in downtown Logan where riders will be given a complimentary lunch from one of six local Logan restaurants.

Logan Regional Hospital has teamed up with Cache Gran Fondo to help provide mammogram screenings to women in Cache Valley, regardless of their ability to pay. Proceeds from the Cache Gran Fondo go toward this cause.

Riders can register for this race at www.cachegranfondo.com and details are here on Gran Fondo Guide too.

Registration is capped at 1,000 riders.