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Gran Fondo Aims to be "Dream Cruise for Bikes"

Organizers of the Gran Fondo Woodward, undeterred by skeptics and impending road work, say the event will go on June 30 with a revamped bike rally format.

The Gran Fondo originally was conceived as a race, but without full support from all of the communities along the route, organizers opted instead for the more casual road rally format that lets participants join in at the most convenient point for them and ride all 54 miles or just pedal to a couple venues.

"It's about getting a lot of people out there so next year is a bigger event so that all of the cities are running to us saying we want to be a part of it," said Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop owner Jon Hughes, whose dad Dale Hughes conceived of the event. "We're really doing it from a grass-roots perspective."

Registered participants will receive raffle tickets for a chance to win prizes at each of seven rally stops along the route from Detroit to Pontiac and back downtown. Those who visit all of the rally points will be eligible to win a Detroit-made Shinola bicycle valued at approximately $3,000.

Stops along the Woodward Avenue corridor will include the following.
- Wheelhouse Detroit, Detroit,
 -Shinola, Detroit
 -Downtown Ferndale Bike Shop, Ferndale
- D & D Bicycles and Hockey, Berkley
 -American Cycle and Fitness, Royal Oak
 -KLM Bike & Fitness, Birmingham
- American Cycle and Fitness, Pontiac

Following the ride, an afterglow party and grand prize drawing will be held at 2 p.m. at the Shinola retail store in Detroit.

"It's all about trying to get more people on the road and building the bike community," Hughes said. "We're going to work with what we've got and make it the Dream Cruise for bikes."

But, not everyone is happy about the Gran Fondo.

Royal Oak city officials have expressed concerns about the event's safety and whether it would be a drain on city services. However, Royal Oak Police Chief Corrigan O’Donohue has acknowledged it is legal to cycle on Woodward provided one follows the Motor Vehicle Code.

Gran Fondo participants will be required to wear helmets and ride only street-legal bikes.

"I'm hoping to see at least 1,000 people," Hughes said. "Once we get to that size, it becomes a lot safer for the riders."

Hughes also said he isn't worried about a Michigan Department of Transportation resurfacing project between 14 Mile Road in Royal Oak and Oakridge Boulevard in Pleasant Ridge that is set to begin May 28 and will result in multiple lane closures along Woodward.

"We ride with construction all the time. You're probably safer on a bike than in a car," he said. "... I think it's going to be a big shock to motorists. Then, maybe next time they're driving down Woodward, they'll drive the speed limit or move over a foot and give us some space."

If you go

- When: 8 a.m. Sunday, June 30.
- Where: The 54-mile rally will begin in Detroit, travel along Woodward Avenue to Pontiac and then return downtown.
- Cost: $20 registration fee, plus a $5 day-of cash or canned goods donation to Gleaners Community Food Bank. 
- What else: Helmets are required.

Visit the Woodward Avenue Gran Fondo event details for more information and how to register.

Tag: woodward
May 24 2013 - NEWS: Gran Fondo Aims to be Dream Cruise for Bikes