2025 TransRockies Gravel Royale
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> So what exactly is Tulsa Tough?

So what exactly is Tulsa Tough?

The quick answer is that Tulsa Tough is a three-day cycling festival.

But there's so much more to it than just that ...

It features Gran Fondo rides  on both the Saturday and Sunday through Tulsa and professional level races, and it all begins Friday June 7th and continues through Sunday June 9th.

Meteorologist,  George Flickinger is riding in the Medio Granfondo race. Watch his 68-mile race live Saturday morning at www.kjrh.com/tulsatough

Rides range from 27 miles to 127 miles covering nearly 400 miles in northeast Oklahoma.

Saturday race map here - http://bit.ly/saturdayTT

Sunday race map here - http://bit.ly/sundayTT

Prize money rivals the largest purses in the nation. And the quality of the venues and the top level race operation already has professional teams making Tulsa an important stop on their annual racing schedules.

There are kids activities, family rides, exhibitors and more during the three-day festival.

Everyone finishes at the brand New Guthrie Green, urban park in the heart of the Brady Arts District. That's where you'll find secure bike parking and our fabulous Granfondo Celebrazione.

Total Route Distances:
Petit 27 - 27.0 miles
Piccolo 40 - 40.5 miles
Medio 68 - 68.2 miles
Grand 109 - 109.4 miles
Mondo 127 - 127.1 miles

Timed Route Distances:
Petit 27 - 23.0 miles
Piccolo 40 - 36.5 miles
Medio 68 - 64.2 miles
Grand 109 - 105.4 miles
Mondo 127 - 123.1 miles

For more information on the event, check out the Tulsa Tough details on Gran Fondo Guide.