2025 Bluewater International Gran Fondo
United States | Midwest | Ohio >> Sea To Summit Postponed

Sea To Summit Postponed / Cancelled

Late breaking news is that the event has been posponed / cancelled, after we were contacted by followers of Gran Fondo Guide.

The ride was planned to start at the seaside in Ventura,  north west of Los Angeles and travel inland, finishing at the top of the climb of Mount Pinos.

No news as to exactly what has happened, but the following statement has been released from the organisers.


"After much deliberation a difficult decision has been made to postponed the Sea to Summit events scheduled for June 8th (tomorrow).

We extend our apologies to those adversely affected by the decision.

Registered riders who have made donations in support of Sea to Summit wil be contacted shortly and arrangements are being made to issue credits for donations made.

The Sea to Summit Seaside course ride has been rescheduled and will be held on the 21st September 2013. More information will be available soon.

The Summit course ride has not been rescheduled.

Once again were sorry to have had to take this action and appretiate your understanding."



For more information goto : http://www.spiritoffreedomonline.org/sea-to-summit or contact the event organiser, kathy.olsen@teenchallenge.org

Updated event details on Gran Fondo Guide - http://www.granfondoguide.com/sea-to-summit-gran-fondo







Tag: seatosummit
Jun 07 2013 - NEWS: Sea To Summit Postponed